Adaptive piston correction of sparse aperture systems with stochastic parallel gradient descent algorithm,OPTICS EXPRESS,2018 Compensation factors for 3rd order coma in three mirror anastigmatic (TMA) telescopes,OPTICS EXPRESS,2018 Acquisition technology for optical ground stations in satellite-ground quantum experiments,APPLIED OPTICS,2018 Research on high-resolution imaging technology based on light field manipulation for a lenslet-based plenoptic camera,APPLIED OPTICS,2018 Youla–Kucera Parameterization-Based Optimally,IEEE sensor journal,2018 Error-based plug-in controller of tip–tilt mirror to reject telescope’s structural vibrations,Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems,2018 Active sparse aperture imaging using independent transmitter modulation with improved incoherent Fourier ptychographic algorithm,OPTICS EXPRESS,2017 Optical sparse aperture imaging with faint objects using improved spatial modulation diversity,Scientific Report,2017 Restoration of Sparse Aperture Images Using Spatial Modulation Diversity Technology Based on a Binocular Telescope Testbed,IEEE Photonics Journal,2017 Direct and full-scale experimental verifications towards ground-satellite quantum key distribution,Nature Photonics,2013