High precion line-of-sight angle measuring and large ranging laser radar system for deep space rendezvous and docking. 2020 Applied optics(SCI) 59(23) 10565-10573 Iterative Pointing angle calibration method for the spaceborne photon-counting laser altimeter based on small range terrain matching. Remote Sensing(SCI), 2019.11(18):P23 Multi-scale fusion signal extraction for spaceborn photon-counting laser altimeter in complex and low signal to noise ratio scenarios. IEEE geoscience and remote sensing letters(SIC), 2020 The effectiveness of airborne lidar in the evaluation of denoising algorithm for space borne photon-counting data. 2020 5th International Conference on Communication, Image and Signal Processing(CCISP), 2020(EI) 自适应滤波的相敏检测算法研究.激光与光电子学进展.2022,59(01) 基于特征向量提取的点云配准算法.电子测量技术 基于激光雷达的非合作航天器姿态测量.传感器与微系统